Digital Marketing

Have You Noticed A Drop In The Ranking Of Your Website Lately?


Rankings on search engines fluctuate. If you worry about it, hiring an SEO agency can be your best bet. By doing that, you will not only have ample time to focus on other things, a professional company will be dealing with one of the most important aspects of getting clients – improved search engine rankings and an influx of traffic. 

Why Is Your Rank Hurting?

No one knows how Google’s algorithm works. So, there can be a plethora of reasons that can hurt your website’s ranking. Let’s take a look at them below:

Undermining The Importance Of Backlinks

Backlinks are a critical key factor of SEO. They connect your site with external sites. Secured backlinks endorse your web pages. When it comes to securing backlinks, high authority domains are pretty necessary.

Websites keep changing with time. Just because you secured a high-authority backlink one month does not necessarily mean it will be there the next month. Your internal links need to get updated or removed to eliminate dead links from time to time. You must check the validity of your backlinks.

However, developing a strong backlink network does not guarantee that you will continuously rank high. For instance, there can be a few cases in which your backlink might get removed from the source. This mostly happens because they seem to be non-relevant to the niche of that particular source where you are creating them. You will not be notified about it, and there’s no way to tell until your ranking begins to drop

Content Is Outdated

One of the reasons Google is not ranking your site is that it does not give what a user is looking for. The information you provide through your site might be valid now, but if you do not update your content from time to time, there will be an increase in the bounce rate. Moreover, there can be a huge effect on your website’s traffic. You are also in danger of delivering irrelevant advice and information with outdated content.

To rank higher or again, you need to update your site’s content. This means adding new and relevant information regularly. You need to provide what the user is searching for – accurate, valuable, valid content.

Knowing The Behaviour Of Your User

If you want your website to rank higher, it is essential that you understand both your target audience and their individual behavior. To make your site visible, you need to know what the user is searching for.

How To Deal With Dropping SEO Rank

Now that you know why your SEO rank is plummeting, it’s time to rectify the situation. Following are the tips that can help you with the situation.

●     Look For The Changes In the Algorithm

Google occasionally updates its algorithm to ensure that you receive the most relevant results possible. If you want to maintain a high and trustworthy presence on search engines, keep an eye out for any changes.

●     Analyse The Search Intent Of A User

Changes in the way users search the content can also affect the ranking of your site. Look through the keywords in the search to get a better idea. Once you get the wind about how the user behavior changes, you can make changes accordingly.

Final Thoughts

Restoring your site’s rank on the search engine is not easy. To ease your troubles, Cyber Creation has your back. Get in touch now with the best SEO marketing agency in London to get your desired results.

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